Kebijakan Perlindungan Data Pribadi
Terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia kebijakan ini dapat ditemukan di sini.
Terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia kebijakan ini dapat ditemukan di sini.
Data pribadi Anda penting bagi kami dan kebijakan kami adalah menghargai kerahasiaan informasi dan privasi individu. Kebijakan ini menguraikan cara kami mengelola data pribadi yang kami simpan sesuai dengan Undang-undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi di Singapura (Undang-undang) dan berlaku untuk semua divisi dan organisasi di Far East Orchard Group, termasuk divisi Far East Hospitality (secara umum disebut FEOrchard) dan grup perusahaan Far East Organization (detail selengkapnya ada di, yang mencakup FEOrchard (FEOrchard dan grup perusahaan Far East Organization secara bersama disebut "kami", "kita" atau "milik kami"). Kami juga mematuhi undang-undang perlindungan dan privasi data setempat dalam operasi kami di Singapura.
We may collect and hold personal data of persons/entities including but not limited to:
Examples of such personal data include biodata, health-related information, contact details, account information and your preferences, queries, requests and feedback.
The ways in which we may collect your personal data include (but are not limited to) collecting directly or indirectly from you or your authorised representatives in the course of:
In general, we may use your personal data for the following purposes:
FEOR may decide to buy or sell assets which form part of or relate to its business or a division or organization within FEOR. In any such transaction, personal data will usually be one of the transferred assets and will be disclosed to the purchaser.
All provision of personal data is on a voluntary basis. However, in most cases, if you do not provide information about yourself which FEOR has requested, FEOR may not be able to provide you with the relevant product or service.
We will only use, disclose and/or transfer your personal data for the purposes you have been notified of and consented to or which are permitted under applicable laws and regulations.
We will not sell, rent or give away personal data to third parties for commercial purposes without your consent.
Depending on the product or service concerned, personal data may be disclosed or transferred to:
Where personal data is disclosed or transferred to organizations outside of FEOR who handle or obtain personal data as service providers to FEOR, we require such organizations to acknowledge the confidentiality of such personal data, undertake to respect any individual's right to privacy and comply with the PDPA (and where applicable, the GDPR) and this Policy and use such personal data only for our purposes and otherwise follow our reasonable directions with respect to this data.
In addition, where personal data is transferred overseas and we may need to process or deal with your personal data outside Singapore, we will ensure that such transfer is in compliance with the PDPA and this Policy or is permitted under applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations.
Our cookie policy describes how we use cookies and similar technologies. For more information on the cookies we use on our website, please see our cookie policy.
FEOR has appointed a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) to oversee our management of personal data in accordance with the PDPA (and where applicable, the GDPR).
We regard breaches of your privacy very seriously and we have implemented appropriate security measures to secure and protect your information, such as training our employees who handle your personal data to respect the confidentiality of such personal data and your privacy, storing personal data in a combination of secure computer storage facilities and paper based files and other records, taking steps to protect the personal data we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
However, you will appreciate that it is not for us to perfectly secure your personal data from cyber attacks, such as hacking, spyware and viruses. Accordingly, you will not hold us liable for any unauthorized disclosure, loss or destruction of your personal data arising from such risks. The PDPA also requires us not to store personal data longer than necessary. We will cease to retain your personal data when we no longer require such personal data for the purposes we originally notified you of or for any business or legal needs.
We endeavour to ensure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. We realise that such personal data changes frequently with changes of address and other personal circumstances. We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible in order to update any personal data it holds about you. Please complete the Personal Data Correction Form and send to the DPO of FEOR you have been dealing with. Our contact details are set out below. We may require you to verify your identity.
To make a request to access the personal data we hold about you, please contact the DPO of FEOR you have been dealing with in writing using the Request to Access Personal Data Form. We will require you to verify your identity and to specify what data you require. Depending on the circumstance, we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of verifying the application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested. If the data sought is extensive, we will advise the likely cost in advance and can help to refine your request if required.
The consent that you provide will remain valid until such time it is being withdrawn by you in writing. To make a request to withdraw your consent previously given, please contact the DPO of FEOR in writing.
Upon receipt of your written request to withdraw your consent, we may require reasonable time (depending on the complexity of the request and to be determined on a case by case basis) for your request to be processed and for us to notify you of the consequences of us acceding to the same.
If you consider that any action of FEOR breaches the PDPA (or where applicable, the GDPR) or this Policy, you can make a complaint to the Coordinating DPO by completing the Complaint Form. FEOR will endeavour to act promptly in response to a complaint.
You can contact the Data Protection Officer of FEOR at
Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our website.
Our cookie policy describes how we use cookies and similar technologies.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. Cookies transmit information about you and your use of our website, such as your browser type, search preferences, data relating to advertisements that have been displayed to you or that you have clicked on, and the date and time of your use.
What types of cookies do we use?
We use two types of cookies on our website: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies".
Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used to remember you during the course of your visit to the website, and they expire when you close the web browser.
Persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences within the website and remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser. We use these cookies to analyse user behavior so that we can improve our website functionality for you. These cookies also allow us to serve you with targeted advertising and measure the effectiveness of our site functionality and advertising.
In addition, please note that we use third-party cookies from third-party service providers to help us analyse, execute and improve our advertising and marketing efforts to you.
What kind of data do our cookies collect?
Data collected by our cookies are pseudonymous, and cannot be attributed to you or any other specific person without the use of additional information.
Data collected by our cookies are kept completely separate - we do not combine the data collected, used and stored by our cookies with any other form of personal and identifiable data.
Purposes of the cookies
How do I manage cookies?
You can choose to reject or block all or specific types of cookies set by virtue of your visit to our website by adjusting the cookie preferences on your browser.
Please refer to this website: to learn how you can manage cookie preferences on your browser.
However, please note that if all cookies are disabled or removed (including strictly necessary cookies), not all features of our website may operate as intended, for example you may not be able to visit certain areas of our website or you may not receive personalised information when you visit our website.
Kebijakan ini akan dikaji dari waktu ke waktu untuk menyesuaikannya dengan undang-undang dan teknologi baru, perubahan operasi dan praktik kami serta perubahan lingkungan bisnis. Kebijakan ini terakhir kali diperbarui pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2016. Jika Anda tidak yakin apakah Anda sedang membaca versi terbaru, mohon hubungi kami.
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